What? Just because we moved 3,293 miles to Portugal you thought Krupmas would be cancelled this year? Stuff and nonsense. In the Weisnick Household (no matter what part of the world it's in), it just ain't Christmas without Krupmas. So welcome, welcome (fahoo ramus) newcomers and old-timers. We've added a bunch of new classics to this year's mix, plus we've dipped into the vaults for some old castanhas (chestnuts). To paraphrase Principal Skinner, we hope you enjoy this year's "melody medley of holiday flavorites." But first, the serious stuff: Ann and I are once again donating to the following two charities (because, again, nothing ever seems to change in the USofA), plus we're adding back the International Rescue Committee (because they've probably been extra-busy over the last few years): Planned Parenthood , because Fuck Leonard Leo, The Federalist Society, and the carefully constructed Supreme Court. March For Our Lives , because